Who is still around?

It is almost 4 years since I have posted on this blog. Fulfilled.com has since vanished from the net without warning.

Who is still around who will see posts here?

37 thoughts on “Who is still around?

  1. i’m still hangin’ around vic 🙂

    just this past week i thought of you wondering how you and yours are doing! and now i hear from you–that’s not odd, that’s God!

    still watching and there is a whole lot to see!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I still get notifications and check out what is being said. Very exciting times we are in. I highly recommend John Haller’s Prophecy Update on YouTube. He typically posts weekly. Andy Wood’s PPV on YouTube (typically every Friday) is also very informative over the week’s events.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I didn’t even see this thread, I guess there’s more here than just me and baldy, how do other people get signed up vic, I didn’t see a place?


  4. I tried to post earlier so I’m sorry if it comes in twice, but I’m still here lol, glad to see some of you from Fulfilled are coming here… I was Loop on FulfilledProphecy…


  5. No, I sure don’t. But I will tell you that I”ve been listening to Paul Begley and Mike from around the World on Thursdays nights Mike is from Council of Time and works for the government, he is a Christian though and he mentioned about a month before Fulfilled disappeared that there was going to be a bunch of Christian based sites just suddenly disappear …


  6. Hi loop!
    I knew that wasn’t just an accident, and it did a disappearing act intentionally, apparently and most obviously, censored!

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  7. Hi Brother!!! I’m so happy some of us FP ers have found our brothers and sisters here. I cannot hear the thought of losing family, and finding more family makes this that much more! Time for a Shortribber lap!!

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  8. If anyone wants to listen Paul Begley, You Tube comes on every Thursday at around 9 and Mike from around the world comes on and gives updates, he’s been pretty on point with what he says, Mike that is…


  9. Hey – for those of you who are coming back to this forum – I’d like to know if anyone knows the real story about the war in Ukraine? I’ve heard that Russia is doing far better than what is being reported by the media here in the United States. Could this war potentially lead to the prophesized attack on Israel – or even World War III? Any thoughts?

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  10. I’m not getting notifications!
    Hello GS and everybody!
    I’ll try to see what’s going on with my notifications.


  11. With Russia’s alliances recently with Iran and China, and Russia’s stationing nukes in Belarus, you can pretty well count that it’s going to lead to that Mr baldy..
    At least that’s what I think


  12. may everyone have a blessed resurrection day!

    our Lord is risen from the grave!
    we have our hope and future in His great grace and mercy, in His power and promises, praise His Holy Name!
    thank You Jesus!


  13. may all have a blessed Resurrection day!

    our Lord Jesus is risen from the grave, praise His Holy Name!
    our hope and future is secure in His mercy, His promises, His power!
    to God be the glory forever amen!

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  14. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/04/agenda-2030-civic-participation-sustainable-development-goals

    one world government anyone?
    what the massive attacks in the culture war front, healthcare war front, political and religious war front, economies war front, illegal immigrant war front, climate change war front, free speech war front, the AI warfront and militancy in society and in war machines are on the rise…
    we can easily see everything taking a hit worldwide and at once, to socially engineer things right into a desperation for governance of the anti-christ kind. these folks have paved the way for it all.
    klaus schwab and his spiritual guide yuval noah harari have it all covered. they don’t want God’s plan they have their own. anti-christ will appear sooner not later the way this is shaping up. my opinion but is what i think i am seeing.
    anyone care to discuss?


  15. https://www.facebook.com/groups/111084064209/permalink/10160431745284210/?mibextid=Nif5oz

    If you remember this event, when the spirit of antichrist climbed in the saddle.
    The man behind the curtain who brought this about using multiple sources in Media and his conniving evil friends around the world began to form their powers against us… Look at the link in the bottom of the post to see the live video, I suppose you may have seen it the first time, but this is an excellent video how they slow things down and pay close attention!
    I’ll comment more on it later.
    I don’t know if you saw my position on the relationship between the horses and chariots and horses and riders of Zechariah 6 Revelation 6… You probably did, it was posted here first.
    We are on so close to the Revealing of the Loser!

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  16. Hey everyone, my cousin woke up this morning and found her one month old baby had passed away sometime in the night, it was healthy as far as they know doctor said SIDS, please keep Anaka in your prayers along with her husband. Little Jordan is now with God and she was her first baby… Thank you…

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Brothers and Sisters in Christ…..

    If any of you are interested in End Time Eschatology, I absolutely highly recommend you watch the following video:

    I agree wholeheartedly in what RC Sproul says in this video. This video describes the Rapture of the Church as I have come to discover it as well. Completely Scriptural and amazingly simple to understand.

    I think those who have opposing views should state the reason why they may disagree – as varying comments make for a good discussion, and edification to the Body of Christ, further bringing Glory to God in that the Truth is often discovered.

    Peace to you All!


  18. The sudden removal of Fufilled prophecy.com is indicative of the manner in which the internet will someday be scrubbed of all content related to Jesus and His second coming.
    The current removal of Herb Peter’s website is most likely the innocent process of an expiration of the site by neglect. However we should learn from the example and recognize how quickly and thoroughly the powers of evil will censor the internet of information for those living on earth in the days of the Great Tribulation. This will be true regardless of the timing of the rapture. Someday the web will be scrubbed within hours or even minutes.
    I recommend people prepare material to be available for teaching in both physical (paper) and computer ready manners. The hour is late. Javier Solana is still alive and so the theory remains possible no matter how unlikely.
    The mindset that would prefer to censor and remove rather than debate is universal among mankind. Christians are quilty as well. Additionally, we have seen this quite well in the recent censorship by twitter, Youtube and facebook of those who are concerned the 2020 election might have been stolen. If the election of 2020 was not stolen it was not for lack of trying by the many people across many states.
    Someday it will be very politically incorrect to imply some particular candidate is the antichrist. There is a lull at the moment but internet control and censorship will return with a vengeance. It is currently considered the height of Christian immaturity to suggest a personality is the antichrist today. How much more in the days of his kingdom? Now is the time to summarize and secure information about the theory that Javier is THE bad actor. This can be done none dogmatically along with more general information about eschatology.


  19. If you are on Facebook, please consider our small group “Prophecy Zoomers”.
    Will be nice having discussions there before it also gets shut down.


  20. Mark S here . . . just saw you guys as I was once again searching the FP site just to look at the old art. I feel so intertwined with all of you, both from FP and Unsealed, for so many years, wow!

    Much love!


  21. Adamantine – and others….. it’s really great to see the flock coming together again. I think you are spot on about Javier Solana. Many tend to forget that the pieces of the puzzle and the way the events unfolded were eerily uncanny as it related to Bible Prophecy. I personally don’t believe, nor have I ever thought that the events reported during the time of FP were just mere coincidence.

    My concern now is that most will rely on a so-called pre-tribulation rapture and not prepare for what is to come.


  22. Hello Everyone –

    I’m really not sure why we’re not using this forum to communicate? There is so much information that we could all use and share with each other. Since the Fulfilled Prophecy site was shut down – I personally sense a loss of fellowship with those who were associated. I know not everyone shared my views…. but I feel there is tremendous evidence that contrary to the Pre-Tribulation view, there will be no 7-year Tribulation period; nor a 3rd Temple; Millennial Kingdom – and of course not a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. I believe I can prove with Scripture that the next event to happen on God’s Prophetic Timetable will be the Abomination of Desolation, (please don’t look for this so-called 7-year “Peace Treaty”). The AOD will be followed by a 3.5-year persecution of the Church (by the coming Antichrist). After this……then Christ will Appear. At His Appearing the Trumpet will have sounded; the dead believers will be resurrected first to meet Him, and we who are alive at that time will meet Him and those who have died in Him in the Clouds to usher in His Earthly Kingdom.

    Sometime ago, Shorty mentioned his views about the Kingdom of God. Being a staunch Amilennialist, I personally believe “The Kingdom of God is within you” at the moment you became a believer – and Christ is Ruling now at the Right Hand of the Father where He Governs ALL THINGS. God is in Control. We are told by Jesus Himself that the Kingdom of God is nothing that will come with “signs to be observed” (Luke 17:20-21).

    So my sisters, and brothers in Christ….. I feel we still have a few years left before the Return of Christ, as many things will continue to occur and must happen prior to His Return. Such as many wars, famines, pestilences – and current events that will trigger evil in men’s hearts, such as GREED, that leads to inflation, a great divide between the rich and poor – basically wiping out the middle class; global warming (believe it or not), the rise of false prophets; lies told in the medial; same sex marriage acceptance; even more racism to the extent where hatred abounds. These are just a few things to continue to watch…..and please prepare to enter the Tribulation Period.



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