General Petraeus treasonous to freedom.|main|dl1|sec1_lnk3|168790

Petraeus: Quran Burning Could Endanger US Troops

Comment by Adamantine:  To imagine that we should give up freedoms in order to help an Islamic nation is absurd. It is treason to the cause of freedom. Treason :the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith;treachery.

3 thoughts on “General Petraeus treasonous to freedom.

  1. Pingback: Right-Wing Nutjobs Allied With Al-Qaeda « Mercury Rising 鳯女

  2. Amen brother,

    While I’m not in favor of burning the quran – I disapprove far more of our government telling someone in this country they can’t do something that might incite muslims to violence. The reaction of muslims to this type of action, while unloving, reveals the true nature of islam – which is bent on getting its way or using violence to force others to bend to its will (sounds a lot like satan to me).

    Petraeus is the unwitting pawn of muslims. By telling this foolish pastor not to burn qurans he is further legitimizing the muslim response, of don’t offend us, or we might lose control and blow something up or slaughter some civilians (btw they apparently don’t seem to care if they are christians, westerners, other arabs or even other muslims). Shame on the general who just as big a fool as one who would want to incite to violence those souls he should be seeking to win.

    I think it’s better to see muslims as lost souls with whom we have been commanded to share the gospel, and commanded to love. Whether or not they are called by the Lord is completely up to him – but we must be committed, unto death, to faithfully doing our Master’s work. So when you meet a mulsim in your daily life, love them, share the truth of the Gospel with them – and let God do the rest.


  3. Comment by Adamantine:
    I personally find burning a Quran a waste of time UNLESS
    it becomes an issue. Americans who love freedom may need to draw a picture of Mohamed and burn a Quran if they wish to establish that they have the right. Sometimes the truth remains use it or lose it. Imagine now that the head of NATO is stepping in the issue. If the pastor in Florida eventually backs down then individuals in America DO need to burn one. The commander of NATO is not supposed to be speaking about American freedoms.
    This should not be an issue for the freedom loving Iraqi’s because they intend to come forward to help NATO soldiers. The pastor in Florida who may burn a Quran will only cause Iraqi’s who love freedom to do the same. I may have to burn a BIBLE and A Quran if the Florida Pastor does not. I would say everyone burn a Bible and a Quran. These are just pieces of paper. The Quran is a piece of lies and this must be able to be said. Protect the paper and soon it will be illegal to speak against the lies on the paper.
    Lastly Americans should not give up any right in order to appease anyone anywhere. BO Hoo unless Americans give up their rights more people will join Al Quida.
    As far as ‘right wing nut jobs” that is the ignorant name calling term trotted out any time a left wing nut job wishes to assume someone will feel insecure if called a nut job.

    Can you imagine Churchill telling the US that someone burning “Mein Kampf” would infuriate the German people and make the war effort harder ? The sooner people realize that freedom is not a hallmark of Islam or Islamic societies the better.


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