Solana’s plan for New World Order

Looks like Javier Solana is making headlines today with his article on the EU’s role in global governance. In my previous post I said that I was getting worried about crying wolf and in that way disgrace the name of our Lord IF the news that we watchmen are reporting is not the possible fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I have changed my mind. I will rather cry wolf.

Solana has so far filled the prophecy’s for the antichrist. Please note that I do not say he IS the antichrist, but his rise in power in the EU is in line with prophecy. He did get his post and power by EU Recommendation 666 and EU Document 666. He is the head of the 10 nation WEU. He is the brain and EU representative behind the Barcelona Process (EUROMED). He is behind the 7 year ENP that kicked of in Jan 2007. He is pushing the peace process in Israel and wants it to be in place before the year ends. With todays article written by Solana, he is even fitting the role more! Here is some of his own words:

Europe’s key task in the first half of this century, says Javier Solana, will be to help create a new system of global governance that can resolve the growing frictions in our increasingly inter-dependent world.

The peaceful unification of our continent has been our great achievement, and now our main challenge is to act as a credible force for good. From a continental agenda, we should move to a global agenda. From building peace in Europe to being a peace-builder in the world.

Few today would dispute that in a global, interdependent world, solutions to problems have to be forged at a global level. But the gap between this demand for ‘global governance’ and its supply is growing. Instead the multilateral system is under severe stress. Some of the old regimes on issues like nuclear non-proliferation are suffering from polarisation and distrust. On some of the new issues, such as cyber-crime or new forms of terrorism, attempts to build regimes, rules and institutions are still incomplete.

Global governance is an awful term but a vital concept. We need it because of a simple reality: interdependence.

These days, there is less obedience. Who wants to be a follower if you are constantly told you can be what you want to be? It is striking that in Britain, the slogan for the recruitment for the army has changed from “Your country needs You” to “Be all you can be”.

I will advice you to read the full article HERE.

PS. Just got this from Farmer’s blog:

2008, July 14 is Javier Solana’s 66th birthday.
(On 2009,January with his new powers and the new EU treaty in place he will be sixty six and six months.)
stay tuned!

Very interesting indeed!

3 thoughts on “Solana’s plan for New World Order

  1. Constance Cumby, she who exposed the New Age back in 1980, and Herb Peters (now deceased), have been following Javier Solana for years. Solana signed a treaty with Israel and the many other neighbouring countries of Europe, for seven years, on 1 January 2006. It guarantees the participating nations economic aid and infrastructure development in return for maintaining the rule of law and tightening of people movement in their countries. In otherwords, the Europeans want their neighbouring non EU countries to prevent their people from flooding into Europe. After three and a half years into this treaty, Solana is to review the progress, and see where to pursue from there. Sound familiar?


  2. The prophecies are all connecting and our time is running out, more people must see that 1948 has been along time now and there generation would be the ones to see it all happen and I truly believe tribulation is near. Comment?


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