Another uprooting?

The Eurozone Crisis Is Just Getting Started

Comment by Justasheep:

euro_1805998c– the euro is still in crisis
– national governments are straining at the restrictions placed by the EU
– Scotland is moving toward leaving the UK
– The British leadership is telling them they can’t stay on the british pound if they leave

This I think is the uprooting of one of the 3 horns in the making. We’ve already possibly seen the uprooting of one horn in the form of Greece during their financial crisis and the loss of any meaningful sovereignty over their own affairs. We are seeing a second possibly in Spain as their economy falters and becomes more dependent on the support of EU bailout funding (at the cost of policy control over their own country). The third in the not too distant future is developing in the UK. If Scotland leaves, and goes to the euro directly or indirectly it is going to have a huge impact on the rest of the UK’s ability to stand on it’s own as an economic entity- and I suspect what the AC will use when he emerges to wrestle control of that country from its elected prime minister and parliament.

Keep watching. I’m going to.

8 thoughts on “Another uprooting?

  1. In the comments on the other thread, Tony Tarr asked:
    “mr. sheep, who is the little horn thats doing the plucking and the uprooting of the 3?”

    I don’t know who the little horn is for sure at this point. I think from a standpoint of being fully uprooted as a horn – I don’t think any of the candidates have had their national sovereignty completely removed (or at least they are not aware of it) yet. Just as we see the stage set for a little horn to emerge among the ten mutual defense treaty powers of a revived Roman empire, I think we are seeing the stage set for 3 of those that have “Kings” or sovereign leadership now, to have that sovereignty removed as they are forced to accept the control of a government lead by the little horn.


  2. thank you mr. sheep,…this is truly, all too much. keep us Lord,sealed in your covenant and securely set apart. GIVE US EYES TO SEE,…keep us- shape us, with meekness and humility,…courage and strength…dead to self, amen. Keep us posted sheep.


  3. The New Roman Empire ?

    Reding predicts eurozone to become a federal state.

    Hollande and Merkel plan EU ‘revival’ this WEEK

    On a personal note. I quickly zipped South of the border yesterday and haven’t been in the US of A for some time now. People’s faces were filled with despair, despondency and a very troubled look of a coming storm.I asked my husband to note how many faces he saw that were happy, content and had at least some peace? I knew this was difficult for him as he is an American himself.We must have seen over 200 people. His respond was ” one person”. I was blessed that he at least admitted that.

    Has the American dream become the curse? Where many once shopped at the rich and glamourous stores it’s now auxiliary and bargain stores. God sure does abhor pride and has a way of humbling. I say that in pain and agony of heart.


  4. colleen i sense in your above comment, the spirit of God moving* and i am blown away and filled with assurance. Blessings to you from so deep inside me


  5. Tony my heart is overwhelmed at what I’m seeing . I need prayer. My purpose has always been on the board to show what it means to be REAL and to express our RAW feelings. I pray that this is what bears witness 🙂

    Thank-you for the uplifting , it made my day.

    How much longer is there going to be a defiant REFUSAL to at least admit that there is something horribly wrong going on?

    Sadly I believe those that justify greed, promote self-righteousness and somehow manage to refuse to confess or REPENT of their own wickedness may already be under some delusion!

    Am I shouting already ?


  6. colleen you are in my prayers and please don’t stay overwhelmed,….Gods word said it would be this way……….we know the restoration of His Kingdom is about to be born and there will be pain to endure along the way. Lets put it all in His hands as we press on with strength and good cheer sharing the gospel of truth and praying without ceasing. Keep that flame alive in your loving heart as things run their course. God’s plan is unfolding and He is the Good Shepard. Good nite n sleep tight,…in His arms. Peace be with you.


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